ARC provided by Atria through NetGalley for a honest review.
I really liked this book. I had been in a total book funk and this book brought me out of it.
I loved Jane. She went through so much from her daughter's death to her family's ability to make life difficult. Until Caleb came into her life, she had no one who focused on her. Grace was her best friend and sponsor, but still had her own issues to deal with. Jane always thought of other people, and if only for a moment, she took some time to think of herself and ultimately grew from it. She learned to take chances. Although I know Jane was grieving, I was a little sad that she didn't realize that something was going on with Grace earlier.
Caleb was the best man I've ever read about. He was thoughtful and sweet, strong and sturdy, talented and patient most of all. Everything in a guy I would love to meet myself. He had a charm about him that made everyone love him, even her friends. He had a rough life, but never felt sorry for himself. He had a dream and went after it, only pausing to fall in love with Jane.
This book reminded me, loosely in theme, of the 1979 film Tim, which stared a very young Mel Gibson and Piper Laurie as his older lover.
Reading how Jane and Caleb fell in love was so touching. I felt every moment of their falling and Jane's confusion about their relationship.
"I'm going to take you home and rip these clothes off and fuck the self-doubt out of you. That's what I'm going to do." ~ Caleb
THE GOOD: I loved everything about Jane and Caleb getting to know each other and falling in love. I loved how patient he was with her and his getting to know Mrs. Hawthone, which was funny.
THE BAD: I wish there had been more POV from Caleb. I though it was odd having on the two instances, when there was so much more to learn from him and how he was feeling when Jane would act out or feel insecure. There were, yet very few, slow moments.
All in all, I enjoyed this read and am looking forward to the next installment.