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Crazy For Books

I'm a film/television producer and book scout. I'm always looking for book material to work with. I love film and television as well as reading. The best job in the world is being able to marry the two.

PERFECT RYHTYM: His to Claim #6 by Opal

His to Claim #6 - Opal Carew

ARC provided through NetGalley by publisher for an honest review. 


After the incident, Melanie and Storm are together again. She is disturbed by her perceived distance and decides to let him know that he is off the hook and she will leave. He tells her that's not his problem and they finally clear the air. After a talk with his brother, Storm aka Rafe, realizes he's nothing like his abusive father and decides to embrace his Dominant side.

The finale was a little anti-climactic for me, but I still liked it a lot. I would definitely read this author again. I would like to read a full novel with more emersion into the story than a set of novellas turned into a book, to see what she could do with more depth into their world.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/963363796