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Crazy For Books

I'm a film/television producer and book scout. I'm always looking for book material to work with. I love film and television as well as reading. The best job in the world is being able to marry the two.

STAYING DIRTY (Dirty, #5) by Cheryl McIntyre

Staying Dirty - Cheryl McIntyre


I loved that Link found a new way. I love that Rocky helped him get there. I wish there was a little more to the story, but I liked what there was of it. Nicely done. The stories all improved as they went on.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/968034827

FIGHTING DIRTY (Dirty, #4) by Cheryl McIntyre

Fighting Dirty - Cheryl McIntyre


I knew this guy had stalked Rocky and connected her to Link. I think Link could have let it go if he and Rocky had had time to just be together and have him let go of is anger and hollowness. But this guy just brought it back by going to Lea. This isn't going to end good. I hope he doesn't get caught. But they all deserve what Link wants to give them.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/967936851

TALKING DIRTY (Dirty, #3) by Cheryl McIntyre

Talking Dirty - Cheryl McIntyre


I pride myself on being someone who can see the plot twist coming a mile long. I didn't see that one at all. I'm so happy I have the next book available, or I would be freaking out. That cliffhanger was out of nowhere and good.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/967586584

PLAYING DIRTY (Dirty, #2) by Cheryl McIntyre

Playing Dirty - Cheryl McIntyre


I understand why they would see similarities in each other. The pain and the hollowness in their lives. But I'm still not getting the connection, sexually. I do like how each ends... leaving you wondering what Link will do next in his quest for vengeance.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/967507147

GETTING DIRTY (Dirty, #1) by Cheryl McIntyre

Getting Dirty - Cheryl McIntyre



Interesting start. Not much else to say. Kept my attention. I looking forward to seeing what Link will do next.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/896675814

ONLY PRETEND - A little twisted

Only Pretend: A Novel - Nora Flite

ARC provided by author for an hones review.


Celeste Barstow has had a rough time. Her boyfriend, who she works for, has just fired her and broken up with her, all in one fell swoop. Not only that... he says she boring. What's a girl supposed to do when she wants to prove to herself that she can be adventurous and spontaneous...? Go to Vegas of course! But while in Vegas, things take a turn and Celeste ends up in a position she could have never imagine.

This book was an easy and quick read. Although it started out like it could have been a romantic comedy. Girl gets dumped by her boyfriend. Decides to spend the last of her funds in her bank account on a wild weekend in Vegas, only to fall for a dashing stranger. If only that was the case. Where Celeste ends up isn't fun. Leonide is an interesting character. I don't understand how a world traveler could believe what he was doing was for the greater good. But in a way he was brainwashed as well.

I didn't love this as much as The Body Rock series, but I have to say I wasn't bored reading it at all. And I still like Nora's style of writing. Like when Leonide comes to the realization of his feelings for Celeste.

And Celeste Barstow.
She was an illogical miracle; a girl who brought so many feelings out in me.
I hated her with a passion

~ Leonide

Though there were tense times, it just felt a little too insulated. And though that worked for The Body Rock series. All the internal musings and conversation, it made for a few slow moments loosing momentum in the story, here. 

I still love Nora's writing. I've read worse and think she dose a great job with her characters. And although sometime her women make easy hindsight mistakes, they are very strong and I respect that. They never completely fall apart, standing up and doing what needs to be done in the end. As Celeste did in this book.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/947390911

INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us, Vol. 2

Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 2 - Tom Taylor

ARC provided by publisher through NetGalley for an honest review. 


This was soooo good. I find it hard to decide who is justified in their delusion of grander. I think Superman is extremely dangerous and feeling a lot of emotional pain. But I think Batman's stubborn one dimensional version of right and wrong, keeps him from reaching Superman and expressing why he is opposed to what they are doing.

Great story, well told, great penning and color. 

I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/924298035

TEAR ASUNDER, #2 by Nashoda Rose

Overwhelmed by You - Nashoda Rose

ARC provided by author through NetGalley for an honest review. 


Kat and Ream were thrown together because of the relationship between Logan aka Sculpt and Emily. First as friends when Emily and Logan first went missing. Ream was there to help Kat with the farm. And once both Emily and Logan were back and together, things quickly went south for Kat and Ream. Misunderstandings, half truths, lies and deceptions with each other and from outside sources would conspire to keep them apart. But only their love and self sacrifice for the other, would pull them through the darkest times either of them would ever know, learning to trust that the they would both do anything to keep the other safe.

I liked this one, not as much as the first book and the prequel. Maybe because the stakes didn't seem as high as they felt with what happened to Logan and Emily. I often thought that although Kat and Ream both had their demons and I started to suspect what Ream's were due to the openings in each chapter. But still, the connection between the two wasn't as intense and the danger didn't seem as acute.

That doesn't mean I didn't like it, because I did very much. I knew that the misdirection of what we thought was going on with Kat couldn't be what the author was alluding to and I was so happy yet sad at the same time. I also freaked out when, out of nowhere Kat was thrown into some troubles.

Ream was so sad. He had some many strikes against him that would have thrown any man. But her persevered and you have to admire him for surviving his childhood.

I loved reading about all of the bandmates again, though we got more about Crisis than Kite. Looking forward to the story about Deck and Georgie.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/913419301


Ruined  (Ethan Frost #1) - Tracy Wolff


ARC provided through NetGalley for an honest review. 

Hmmmm... I liked the beginning of this book, but it seemed to drag on like crazy. By the time I got to about 60% of the book, I felt the overwhelming need to skim the rest of it. 

The relationship between Ethan and Chloe starts out really fast. I don't even know what it is he sees in her. I mean the author never really explains if it's her looks, her personality, the fact that the argued with him when they first met. Does she seem strong or fragile to him? I just don't get it. He's known as a playboy to an extent, so what is his attraction to Chloe. 

I also thought the overt bullying by her fellow interns and even her boss was a strange storyline that didn't go anywhere. I thought maybe Rick was going to sabotage her or maybe find out about her past and tell Ethan, before she was able to. Something, it just seemed anticlimactic for the most part. They didn't like her because of the boss. Who cares?... Unless they are going to do something about it. 

Love the crazy friend/roommate, Tori. Made me laugh when Chloe helped her color her hair and thought she looked liked she'd fallen into a big of Skittles.

I knew early on what the connection was going to be between Ethan and Chole's past. Something just told me what it was and it just felt predictable. Also the insta love happened way too quickly. I mean they basically knew each other for about a week or two before the went away on business. Now all of a sudden she's telling him she's in love with him? That's just too fast for me.

It also felt like the author didn't know if she wanted Ethan to be into D/s, BDSM or just an alpha male. I mean, the chain was like a collar? And what does Chole know about collars, since he only sexual experience to date hadn't been a good one? Too many unanswered questions.

I am interested in reading the second book, mostly because I want Brandon and her parents to get what's coming to them and I'm hoping that's the point of the second book.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/762614034

REAPERS MC, #3 - Sexy Sweet

Devil's Game - Joanna Wylde


ARC provided by publisher through NetGalley for an honest review. 

Joanna Wylde has done it again. I love this series. I'd been waiting to read Em and Hunter's story since I finished Reaper's Legacy . I loved that there was a mini recap from their perspective. So it was easy to get into the story. I found Em hilarious. Though she was a Daddy's girl, virgin and scared to leave home, she was still the daughter on an MC President and she knew how to handle herself in a pinch. She wasn't scared to fight when she needed to. And fight she did to protect herself, her family and her man when she needed too. She was even willing to stand up agains her family when she had to. 

I loved the background on Liam aka Hunter and Kelsey. Made you understand Hunter's commitment to the Devil's Jacks and why he would do anything for them. Which is why what he suggests to Em at the end of the story is so monumental. But she's from the life and understands the significance and is willing to stand with him through it all.

There were moments of hilarity, like when Hunter offered Em the ability to kick him in the balls, and she did it even though the thought she wouldn't. Then there were times when it was so scary and thrilling that you didn't know what would happen from one moment to the next. 

There was a lot that happened, and by the time I finished, I wasn't ready for it to end. There felt like so much more that needed to happen. But I think that's because I love these characters and their stories so much that I want it to never end. 

I can't wait for Picnic's story with London.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/757133249

TRISTAN & DANIKA, #3 - Sweet ending

Lovely Trigger (Tristan & Danika) (Volume 3) - R.K. Lilley


I loved this whole series. I wanted this series to go on and on. I wanted to read more about their family. I hated that it was all wrapped up in an epilogue. I loved how Tristan never gave up on her. How he started out trying to be friends with her gain. How he made her stand by him and not give up on him. 

And even though he was devastated at how his actions impacted Danika in ways he didn't even know until years later, he stepped up to the plate and made sure she knew that nothing would change the fact that he loved her and how much. 

As I said in my last review in Rock Bottom , I have been kind of in a book funk since reading this series. Nothing has measured up. Even the latest in my beloved Reaper's MC , didn't hold up as well as it should.

I will read anything R.K. Lilley writes. She's just that good.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/946878817

TRISTAN & DANIKA, #2 - Sooo Sad

Rock Bottom - R.K. Lilley


Where as the middle book in The Up In The Air series felt like a bridge (informational) book, this book held its own and did so much better than the first. It had first loves, first blush, falling apart. 

After his loss, Tristan starts to spiral out of control and continues to do so and his losses are compounded. Danika tries to do everything she can in order to help him, but she starts to realize she's being dragged down with him. Tristan starts to distance himself from Danika and she doesn't know how to help him in his grief and addictions. Once things reach a pinnacle, Danika decides that she needs to take care of herself and breaks away from Tristan.

But again, things have happened which brings her to Tristan's door to try and make amends. But he's so far gone he can't hear her. Sending her away and strait into danger.

This book was heart wrenching for me. These two went through so much. I kept wondering through the first book and most of this book, how Danika could thing that Tristan didn't love her. Which is what she said to James and Bianca both in The Up In The Air series. Once I got through this book, I understood how she could feel that way. I'm teaching up even thinking about all they went through while writing this review. 

I loved how obsessive Tristan was of Danika. He was crazy jealous. But now I understand all the ribbing Tristan did to James in the other series. Because in this series, which is six years earlier and at the very beginning of them getting to know each other. James didn't understand how Tristan kept getting into trouble when he would get jealous and freak out over Danika. 

I'm writing the reviews after reading the entire series. It took me so long to get over this series as a whole. I haven't read anything since that has made me feel as connected to the characters. I didn't want it to end.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/946419384

TRISTAN & DANIKA, #1 - Emotional and Sexy

By R.K. Lilley - Bad Things (Tristan & Danika #1) (Volume 1) - R.K. Lilley


In a way I loved this book more than the Up In The Air series. I think because I was so curious about Danika and Tristan from those book. My only complaint is that it's taking so long to get to where they are now, and I felt like the author dragged it out a little too long. I want to know why Danika has an issue with her walking now, especially since was just short of a professional dancer in these book. I can't believe there's a whole other book before getting to them at the wedding.

But, I felt every anxiety from Danika about her relationship with Tristan, her instant attraction and desire for this man who has his own demons. 

This book had me more emotionally on the edge of my seat. But I still want things to come to me more. On to the next in series.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/666722118

HARD TIME by Cara McKenna

Hard Time - Cara McKenna

ARC provided by publisher through NetGalley for an honest review. 


Unfortunately, this didn't work for me. I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it at all. I just didn't feel the attraction between these two characters. I didn't feel why Annie responded to Eric over anyone else. I mean, it wasn't like he was someone who was in prison falsely. And the ending just ended. There were no repercussions for her choice with her parents or anyone else for that matter. I mean, she pretty successfully kept the fact that he was a felon from everyone she knew. 

I thought the sex was boring, with all the "what do you want?", etc. It just went on and on. I found myself skimming by the time I got to about 50% of the book.

The book has gotten some amazing reviews and I wonder if I read the same book as everyone else. I guess we can't all like everything, Right?!

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/890421827


Lana - R.K. Lilley


Akira and Lana's story was so bittersweet. They wasted so much time, him thinking he wasn't good enough for her. And Lana thinking he just thought of her as a little sister. But if it weren't for James flying out to see Akira in Grounded , he never would have known she'd spent all that time pining for him and not feeling like she would ever love again.

They quickly fall into bed with each other, but still cause each other pain with misunderstandings. But quickly Akira makes Lana believe she's his and will never get away from him again.

I liked learning more about their story and how they knew each other. Their first sexual encounter than ended so horribly wrong. But how they both never got over each other. Ended a bit anticlimactically, but I still liked it.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/943448108

UP IN THE AIR, #3 - Sexy Drama

Grounded - R.K. Lilley


This is where the courtship is in full bloom. Bianca is more confident in James' feelings for her. Though she finds it hard to express herself fully to him. But that all soon takes a backseat to the drama in their friends lives, Lana, Jackie, Stephan & Javier and Danika & Tristan. Bianca also connects with her half brother and tries to form a relationship with him, even against James' hesitation.

But soon an old danger catches up with them and James almost looses Bianca for a second time. He doesn't know how to deal the feeling of being out of control. But his love shines bright and clear. She has no choice in this anymore. She loves him and wants to spend her life with him. She has a new career and so do Stephan and Javier, thanks to James. 

They are all a family and it's so beautiful how it ends. I can't wait to read Mr. Beautiful .

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/679519367