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Crazy For Books

I'm a film/television producer and book scout. I'm always looking for book material to work with. I love film and television as well as reading. The best job in the world is being able to marry the two.

UP IN THE AIR, #2 - Sexy Drama

Mile High (Up In The Air #2) - R.K. Lilley


In this installment, James' past comes back to haunt him and causes Bianca to take a little break from him. Which kills him. But then his presence in her life also puts her in danger. When she's hurt because of his prying into her past, he's beside himself.

Although I believe he was falling in love with her before, this is where he knows he loves her because he's almost lost her twice so close together.

I love how accepting he is of her relationship with Stephan and how he got rid of the horrible housekeeper. Though he is crazy possessive of Bianca, he's never that way when it comes to she and Stephan. I love how Bianca was protective of Stephan when it came to Javier. She wanted him happy, but she never wanted him to be hurt by any of his relationships.

I loved how James tarted using Stephan's nickname of 'Buttercup' when talking to her. I can also understand how Bianca's past brought her to be the perfect partner for James.

This one was a lot more serious than the first installment as well as dragging a little bit. Though I like this series, this definitely felt like the bridge between the first and the last book, setting us up for all the drama to come.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/679519213

UP IN THE AIR, #1 - Sexy Drama

In Flight - R.K. Lilley


When James Cavendish set his sights on Bianca, that was it for her. No matter how much she pushed him away or how many misunderstandings, he wasn't giving up on her. I loved how he fell and fell hard. This wasn't a man who had any intentions of being in a committed relationship with anyone. And he lived his life that way. He didn't care what he did because, as far as he was concerned, it could affect any relationship in the future, because he wasn't going to have one. That is until he met Bianca. 

Stephan was the most amazing best friend/brother. I loved his relationship with Bianca. He was her anchor. If it wasn't for him, I doubt she would ever have believed she could be loved by anyone. I loved how protective he was over her, even when he thought she was sabotaging herself. But when he thought James was making a mistake, he didn't hold back from making his presence known.

Some of the things James said to Bianca, I thought were hilarious. Like when he told her:

"Someday soon I'm going to tie you up and tease you just the way you're teasing me right now, with no hope of release for at least a night."

~ James

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/549370521


It Ain't Me, Babe - Tillie Cole


First let me say that I loved this book. I thought it was so very different from other MC books with the where Salome aka "Mae" comes from. It was a little too easy that she gets dropped off right at their compound, and there were a few other convenient things that happened which dropped my reivew down from a full five stars to four. But for the most part it was very original and very good.

It it was definitely different to have a hero , River aka Styx, who was unapologetic about who he was and what he did. He knew that he wasn't any good for Mae, and should let her be out in the world to decide what she wanted, but he just couldn't walk away once he found the girl that he'd even thought had been a dream for fifteen years. That fact that he communicated in a completely different was was also extrodinary for who he was in the club.

I was so upset with Rider for most of the book and how he treated Mae, until I figured out who he really was and how nuts he really was. I never wanted her with him. At first he seemed nice to her, but there was just something that bothered me about him. No MC goes against his President even if he thinks he's in love with the same woman. I knew he was too comfortable with being antagonizing to Styx. That just didn't sit well with me.

I loved what the author called the Psyco Trio.

At the end I was freaking out hoping there was going to be sequels and now I see there there will be. I'm praying for Lilah/Ky and Maddie/Flame books. When Maddie hugged flame and his first reaction was to stick his arms up in the air, I laughed so hard. I'm laughing now writing about it. 

I'm so looking forward to more from this series and author.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/932368911


Ménage àla Nature - Rosalind Scarlett

That was pretty HOT for a short novella.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/861627662


Perfect Soldier: Long Goodbye (Hot Soldier & Sexy BBW Erotic Romance) (Perfect Soldier Series) - Haley Nix

Better, but lots of grammatical errors.

EVERY PART OF YOU: TAKES ME (Every Part of You, #5) by Megan Hart

Takes Me - Megan Hart

ARC provided by publisher through NetGalley for an honest review. 

Broken hearted after Every Part of You: Denise Me , Simone is living with the heartache of loving someone who doesn't want to be with her. Adrian and Corrina, try to help her by indulging in a different aspect of her fetish. But that only works temporarily. 

At the same time, Elliott, realizes he misses Simone more than he ever thought he could. He tries to talk to her, but his efforts are less than stellar and at the same time, his past is coming back to haunt him.

Will they be able to make things work...

This was a lovely ending to the series. I almost tread up a couple of times as I could feel Simone's despair over Elliott and his over his realization that he actually did love someone. The effort for Elliott to break down his own wall and admit he cares can be felt in every word written from him POV.

I loved that about this series where the POV changes really added to the intensity of the characters emotional plight. This series was my introduction to this author and I really enjoyed it.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/916330344

TRUE BODY ROCK (Body Rock, #4) by Nora Flite

True Body Rock (Rockstar Romance) (The Body Rock Series Book 4) - Nora Flite

ARC provided by author for an honest review. 

First I want to thank Nora Flite for her wonderful story of Lola and Drezden falling in love, along with Lola fulfilling her dreams and Drez discovering new ones.

In this final installment, Lola can't believe things are so good. Her dream of becoming a famous rock star is coming true and she's fallen in love with the green eyed lead singer of her band, who can't seem to get enough of her. But outside forces reek havoc on her insecurities. There are things about Drezden she doesn't know, and others will use those thing to pick at what is so fragile to begin with.

Is her brother Sean jealous of Lola's success or is he really trying to protect her? When its clear that Lola is in real danger, Sean and Drez put aside their grudge in order to protect what is most important to both of them... Lola.

This was a great ending to the Rock-N-Roll love story of Lola and Drez. We learn the truth about his past. Drez learns that Honestyis the thing that will keep Lola with him. Lola learns that she's stronger than she ever thought she was. And with Drez, she has all her dreams come true. She just has to trust her own instincts.

I love how Nora kept Lola pure. She had a tough childhood, which lead to some of her insecurities, with men and relying too much on her brother and his instincts. But when the chips were down, she took things into her own hands, listened to her gut and made her own choices. 

I loved how Drez grew from knowing and loving Lola. He was driven and hard, but once this woman that he was so drawn to came into his life, all of that changed. It didn't cause his music to suffer, like he thought a relationship would. It made it grow and flourish. Made him a better person and helped him let go of his past.


And in the end, they made beautiful music together.


Lovely series. I would definitely recommend the series and I will be looking forward to what Nora will write in the future.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/921519589


One Week Three Hearts: (Three Hearts BBW Menage Trilogy (Part One of Book 2 of 3)) - Adele Allaire

3 Stars

I find the story intriguing, but the writing difficult. After their night together resulted in what Rose wanted most of all, a horrific tragedy befalls her. Now months laters, she in Hawaii with Matt at Jason encouragement. But he doesn't seem happy to see her. In actuality he's cold, forceful, degrading and pawning her off on another man to use. 

Rose doesn't know what to make of this until Matt explains Jason's roll in it all. 

But here is where I as a reader am having an issue. Most of the dialogue is from Matt. But then there are the jumps that the author does, from what Rose is thinking or into action. It's really hard to explain and even harder to read. I don't dislike it, I'm just confused by it as it doesn't seem to happen all the time and when it does happen it's like a jolt forward into something no one had a conversation about, yet its happening.

I don't know how to explain it. I'm also not happy about the fact that Matt seems to think the way to get Rose out of her depression is to treat her with disdain, abuse and apathy. But for some reason I'm still interested. I'm so confused...

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/926380301


One Night Three Hearts - Adele Allaire

3.5 Stars

I liked the relationship between the three of them, but some of the writing was confusing. As if I was in the writers head and I would get confused as to what she was trying to tell me was going on.

The emotion of the story was there but the structure of the writing was a little off.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/820073512

THIS MAN CONFESSED by Jodi Ellen Malpas

This Man Confessed  - Jodi Ellen Malpas


Now that Jesse has made Ava his in all the ways that he can, he is in trampling mode. Ava's brother, her mother, and anyone else that gets in his way. She belongs to him and he's making it known. They have a few more hurtles to overcome, one being psychotic. But soon everything is as it should be.

I was a little disappointed that things went so far before Jesse opened up to tell her everything. I mean he almost cost Ava her life by doing his caveman protection style. Putting himself in danger wasn't any better.

The entire series was really good, although I liked the first book the most because it contained a lot of situations that were extremely funny. Although all the forms of sex they named was pretty funny. There was Sleepy Sex, Sense, Reminder, Alfresco Retribution and even Compromise F**k, among many others. 

Jesse and even Ava, for that matter, were more considerate of Sarah than I would have ever been, but I definitely respected their decision to help her even after all the things she did to them to keep them apart. It was nothing compared to other nut-ball.

Great ending, although I wanted more. More with the family. The epilogue brought us back to funny and sexy. 

I would definitely read more from Jodi. Looking forward to more from her.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/615725980

BENEATH THIS MAN by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Beneath This Man - Jodi Ellen Malpas


After the Ava found out what Jesse had been hiding and the nasty things he said to her, she been in hell. Her heart is breaking and it isn't until John, Drew and Sam appeal for her help that she goes to Jesse. 

Once she sees the state he's in, Ava decides to help him and will leave once he's back on his feet again. But that plan is shortly dashed when Jesse awakens and not only professes his love, but swears he won't ever be that man again is she will only promise to never leave him again. Part obligation and part love, Ava concedes, but only if there are no more lies between them. 

Ava gives as much as she's given in this book. Putting Sarah and the other women who want Jesse in their place. Jesse does everything he can to make her is. To the point of brining her family into the mix and making them like her. 

"You EVER lay a finger on him again, requested or not, and I won't stop until I've snapped every bone in your fucking body. Do you understand me?"

- Ava

At the same time, her brother is back in town and Ava is also in danger. Mysterious things star to happen. She is used to being on her own and doesn't tell Jesse, which isn't a good thing. Jesse is also keeping things from her, which she chooses to ignore, be that good or bad. 

Someone doesn't want them together and wants Ava hurt, maybe even dead. Which kicks Jesse's protective instincts into overdrive. But now Ava has other reasons for staying safe and Jesse will do anything and everything it takes to keep them all safe. Even making her marry him in the one place she despises.

I liked the book, but by the end I was pissed that Jesse was still keeping secrets. And although the protective thing was fun to read, there is no one on this earth I could have ever dealt with someone like him. 

I found Ava doing everything in her power to go against what Jesse was demanding of her hilarious. That's what I would have done. 

The one think I'm still confused about is Ava's exotic looks. She's supposed to be dark skinned with long dark hair, but she's obviously Irish with that last name. Hmmm ;D

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/919156340

THIS MAN by Jodi Ellen Malpas

This Man  - Jodi Ellen Malpas


Ava O'Shea has just broken up with her boyfriend of 4 years and is rooming with her best friend, Kate Matthews until she can get herself situated and find her own place. But her work schedule is keeping her very busy. Ava is an interior decorator and due to her work on the new Lusso building, Ava and the firm where she works are getting a lot of attention.

That attention brings her to The Manor owned by Jesse Ward. He wants her to decorate the new extension on The Manor, which Ava thinks is an exclusive hotel. From the moment they meet, there is heat and tension. Ava doesn't want to get involved, but Jesse won't let her run away. And she does a lot of that. 

Lots of misunderstandings and Jesse's very dominate alpha ways cause Ava to run away from him, but soon she's falling for This Man .

This book was hilarious. First with Ava thinking that Jesse's manor was a hotel to her antics with her best friend, Kate. 

I loved how Jesse and Ava had names for their sexual interactions or his way of demanding sex when they were arguing was to tell her...

"We need to make friends."

~ Jesse

I loved how Jesse new that the moment he saw her, she was for him and he wasn't going to let her go.


"Ava, you should know that once I've had you, you're mine"

~ Jesse

Although it was hilarious, I didn't quite understand why Jesse seemed to imprint on Ava so quickly and so intensely. Obviously that information will come later in other books, but while reading this one, it was a total mystery. 

I loved how every time she asked for his age, the number changed and that it would frustrate her so much. But I couldn't understand how Jesse could be so obtuse to Sarah's machinations. 

This was so fun and funny, I couldn't wait to get to the next book.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/615725323


Perfect Soldier: Catching Colton (Hot Soldier & Sexy BBW Erotic Romance) (Perfect Soldier Series) - Haley Nix

I don't know. There just wasn't much to it. I'm going to read the next one to hopefully get a bit more into the story.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/884188024


Perfect Soldier: Colt & Cat (Hot Soldier & Sexy BBW Erotic Romance): Part 2 (Perfect Soldier Series) - Haley Nix

Much better than the first book for me. More story.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/852762874

Kristen Ashley Love!

Play it Safe - Kristen Ashley


Ivey Bailey and her brother Casey are in the small town of Mustang, Colorado. Ivey wants to leave as soon as possible because she knows this is the type of town she's always thought could be a place she could settle and the guy are the bar, Grayson "Gray" Cody, is a guy she could fall for, if she didn't Play it Safe

But she doesn't play it safe. You see Ivey has a special talent.


When the town rich guy and bully bets Ivey he can beat her, she takes the bet reluctantly. He doesn't like that she's immune to his charms and seems to favor Cody. When he decides to pay her back, it's Gray Cody who has Ivey's back.

Gray is the towns favorite son. He's good personified. He always does the right thing, to the point of running the family orchard and horse farm after his father's death due to a car accident, which cost his grandmother her legs. Gray also cares for and lives with his grandmother. He's a true cowboy.


Gray and Ivey fall in love fast and hard, but soon they are torn apart by those who with their own agendas. 

Three years later, Ivey is headlining in Vegas in a Burlesque show, when she looks up and sees Gray and his friends in the audience. 

He says some nasty things to her, but she's built a wall around her heart... or so she thinks. Until the town draws her back in. 

When she finds out Gray is in trouble. She with her posse in tow, return to Mustang where she and Gray discover that they were torn apart by a lie. Now they have a chance and its up to them to take advantage of it. She trades in her designer life she she loves in, even though it's a lie, and returns to what should have been.

Trading her Manolo's in for cowboy boots.

Ivey and Gray have to fight her brother, the town bully, who seven years later is still going at them trying to destroy what they have. But they are older and stronger and in love and not willing to lose each other again.

This was so good. I loved it. I loved the timeline and how it all played out. I loved how sweet Ivey was and who she was even when her life conspired against her. Gray was the epitome of the best guy anyone could ever meet. He worked hard, took care of his family, his legacy, his heritage, and would fight for the honor of someone he didn't even know. He helped Ivey find what she always wanted.

Lash and Brutus aka Freddie were her friends and they were good guys. Never taking advantage of her, which she was used to. To the point that when she decided to go back to Mustang, to a town where people turned on her when they didn't know she had been played, they took her back and went with her and helped her help them. Everyone could use friends like that.

The only not so great thing is that it dragged in a couple places with descriptions of things, but all in all it was still fantastic. 

KA is so awesome. I am on a mission to read everything she's written.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/915117337


Trust - Sherri Hayes

ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley for an honest review. 


Unfortunately sort of anticlimactic for me and a slow trudging read. Oh well. On to the next.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/786972944